Showing posts with label ONLINE SERVICES. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ONLINE SERVICES. Show all posts


RISER APP: Riser App भारत का पहला कौशल आधारित हाइपरलोकल शॉर्ट वीडियो ऐप क्या है? | Riser App क्या है?

RISER APP: Riser App भारत का पहला कौशल आधारित हाइपरलोकल शॉर्ट वीडियो ऐप क्या है? | Riser App क्या है? Riser App की पूरी जानकारी पाये । 

Riser App એ ભારતની સૌ પ્રથમ કૌશલ્ય આધારિત હાઇપરલોકલ શોર્ટ વિડીયો એપ છે. Riser App વિશેની સંપૂર્ણ જાણકારી.

⇛  Riser App क्या है? एप के बारेमे पूरी जानकारी। 
Riser App एक इंडिया का पहला ऐसा प्लेटफॉर्म है जो सिर्फ और सिर्फ हमारी भारतीय युवाओ को आत्मनिर्भर बनाने के लिए बना है। जहा पे हमारे भारतीय युवाओ के पास जो भी स्किल है उस स्किल और टेलेंट को मोनेटाइझ (Monetise) करके इनकम कर सकते है। 


⇛  Riser App (राइजर ऐप) का उद्देश्य (मिशन) क्या है?
आज के वर्तमान में पूरे भारतमे लाखों युवाओ पढ़ लिख कर घर पर बेरोजगार है, जिन्हें एक कौशल या प्रतिभा का उपहार दिया गया है, जिसे वे विभिन्न बाधाओं के कारण प्रदर्शित करने या उपयोग करने में असमर्थ हैं। यह Riser App का लक्ष्य सभी भारतीय युवाओ को उनकी पृष्ठभूमि के बावजूद एक साझा मंच प्रदान करना है, जहां उनके कौशल का उपयोग करके, अपने लिए जीवन यापन करना है। ओर Riser App का लक्ष्य भारतीय युवाओ को अधिक स्वतंत्र, आत्मविश्वासी बनाना और सोलोप्रीनर बनने की उनकी यात्रा के लिए कदम से कदम मिलाकर उनका समर्थन करना है।

ओर खास करके Riser App एक इंडिया का पहला ऐसा प्लेटफॉर्म जो सिर्फ और सिर्फ हमारी भारतीय वुमन को आत्मनिर्भर बनाने के लिए बना है । जहा पे हमारी भारतीय वुमन के पास जो भी स्किल है उस स्किल और टेलेंट को मोनेटाइझ करके इनकम कर सकती है।  


⇛  राइजर ऐप (Riser App) का विशेष कार्य (Over Mission) :
वर्तमान में पूरे भारत से लाखों गृहिणी तथा घर – कामकाजी महिलाएं हैं , जिन्हें एक कौशल या प्रतिभा का उपहार दिया गया है , जिसे वे विभिन्न बाधाओं के कारण प्रदर्शित करने या उपयोग करने में असमर्थ हैं। Riser App  का लक्ष्य सभी महिलाओं को उनकी पृष्ठभूमि के बावजूद एक साझा मंच प्रदान करना है , जहां उनके कौशल का उपयोग करके , अपने लिए जीवन यापन करना है। Riser App का लक्ष्य भारतीय महिलाओं को अधिक स्वतंत्र , आत्मविश्वासी बनाना और सोलोप्रीनर बनने की उनकी यात्रा के लिए कदम से कदम मिलाकर उनका समर्थन करना है।


⇛  राइजर ऐप (Riser App) से क्रिएटर(Creator) को इनकम कैसे होगी ?
  1. सबसे पहले पे जाके As Creator बटन पे रजिस्टर कर लीजिये।
  2. जैसे ही App Launch हो ता है उसको डाउनलोड कर लीजिये उसके बाद और आपके पास जो स्किल और टेलेंट है उसका एक सॉर्ट वीडियो बना के रिसर ऐप (Riser App) पे अपलोड कीजिए। 

⇛  राइजर ऐप (Riser App) पे किस तरहकी स्किल का वीडियो बना सकते हो ?
What type of skills are available on Riser App?
How will the creator get income from Riser App?
Can you make a video?


Riser App से क्रिएटर को जीस प्रकार के कौशल उपलब्ध हैं
उस पर क्रिएटर केसा वीडियो बना सकता हैं उसी हिसाबसे क्रिएटर को  इनकम  होगी। 
  • स्वास्थ्य(Health)
  • फिटनेस(Fitness)
  • सुंदरता(Beauty)
  • त्वचा की देखभाल(Skincare)
  • खाना बनाना(Cooking)
  • नृत्य(Dancing)
  • योग(Yoga)
  • ऑनलाइन पैसे बनाएं(Make Money Online)
  • शेयर बाजार(stock market)
  • नेल आर्ट, मेहंदी(Nail Art, Mehndi)
  • डिज़ाइन(Design)
  • सामाजिक मीडिया(Social Media)
  • मार्केटिंग(Marketing)
  • गायन(Singing)
  • बाल कलाकार(Child artist)
  • मानसिक स्वास्थ्य(Mental Health)
  • मेडिटेशन(Mditation)
  • कला और शिल्प(arts and crafts)
  • संगीत(Music)
  • फ़ैशन(Fashion)
  • ज्योतिष(Astrology)
  • चित्रकारी(Drawing)
  • फाइनन्स(Finance)
  • कल्याण(Wellness)
  • पकाना(Coocking)
  • आभूषण डिजाइनिंग(Jewelery Designing)
  • मेकअप(Makeup)

⇛  Riser App से क्रिएटर(Creator) को इनकम कैसे होगी ?
1.  स्थान आधारित मुफ्त प्रचार(LOCATION BASED FREE PROMOTION) : 
यदि आप कोई भी छोटा बड़ा बिज़नेस कर रहे हो, जैसे की ब्यूटी पार्लर, योगा क्लास, डांस क्लास या कोई भी  बिज़नेस तो उसे ग्रो करने के लिए आपको Paid प्रमोशन करना पड़ता है । लेकिन आप Riser App पे हर रोज सिर्फ एक वीडियो बनाके अपलोड करोगे वो Video सबसे पहले आपके आसपास के लोगो को दिखेगा । जिससे आपके बिज़नेस के बारे में सबसे पहले आपके आसपास जो लोग है उनको पता चलेगा । तो आपके लोकल एरिया के सभी कस्टमर आपके यहाँ आएंगे । और वो भी बिना मार्केटिंग में एक भी पैसा लगाए। 

2.  संलग्न मार्केटिंग(Affiliate Marketing_સંલગ્ન માર્કેટિંગ)
संलग्न मार्केटिंग(Affiliate Marketing) हमारे देश भारत में सबसे तेजी से बढ़ने वाला उद्योग है। आज सहबद्ध विपणन में हजारों लोग शामिल हैं। कमाई रु. और अब आप यहां मैं आपको बताऊंगा कि आप Affiliate Marketing से कैसे कमाई कर सकते हैं।

मान लीजिए आप Riser App पर किसी ब्यूटी पार्लर का वीडियो बनाते हैं। यदि आप नहीं जानते कि कैसे सीखना है, तो आप एक प्रमुख सौंदर्य कलाकार के सत्र / मास्टरक्लास का उल्लेख कर सकते हैं।
आपकी आमदनी कई गुना बढ़ जाएगी। आप बिना क्रॉल किए अकेले संलग्न मार्केटिंग(Affiliate Marketing) से लाखों कमा सकते हैं।

3.  सत्र / मास्टरक्लास(Sessions/Masterclass) :
अगर मानलो की आप एक अच्छे ब्यूटी आर्टिस्ट हो और आप Riser App पे ब्यूटी के वीडियोस अपलोड कर रहे हो और आपको तो पता है की इंडिया की हर लड़की ब्यूटी पार्लर सीखना चाहती है तो आप यहाँ पे उनको लाइव आके ब्यूटी पार्लर सीखा सकते हो। जिसे आपकी इनकम बहुत ज्यादा बढ़ जाएगी । आपको पता है की कोविंद के बाद सबसे ज्यादा डिमांड बड़ी है तो वो हैं ऑनलाइन एजुकेशन Example : मान लीजिये की आपके Session / Masterclass की प्राइज 200/- है और ब्यूटी पार्लर सिखने के लिए अगर कम से कम 1000 गर्ल्स आती है पुरे महीने में फिर भी आपकी इनकम 200000/-  हो जाएगी । 

4.  उत्पादनो की बिक्री(Product sales) :
मानलो अगर आप ब्यूटी ऑन रिसर ऐप के बारे में वीडियो बना रहे हैं, तो आप यहां सुंदरता से जुड़ी कोई भी जानकारी पा सकते हैं। अगर आप कोई प्रोडक्ट बेचते हैं तो आपको उसका कमीशन भी मिलेगा।

पेड ग्रुप की मदद से आप अपने पास मौजूद ऑडियंस को मोनेटाइज करके अच्छी खासी कमाई कर सकते हैं। मान लीजिए आप शेयर बाजार के बारे में एक वीडियो बना रहे हैं, आप एक भुगतान समूह बनाकर और शेयर बाजार के बारे में प्रो टिप्स साझा करके पैसा कमा सकते हैं।

उदाहरण के लिए: आपने एक Piad Group बनाया है जिसकी कीमत केवल Rs.500/- है। और अगर सिर्फ 500/- लोग जुड़ते हैं तो आपकी मासिक आय है: 500 * 500 = रु. 25,000/-. यह महानता की बात नहीं है। “राइज़र ऐप कहाँ है?” रिसर ऐप से पैसे कैसे कमाए

5.  बुक / कॉल :
आपको पता है की आज हर कोई इंसान कोई कोई न कोई छोटी मोती प्रॉब्लम होती है या कई सवाल होते है चाहे मेंटली हो या इनकम के बारे में हो। लेकिन इस ज़माने में किसी के पास इतना टाइम ही नहीं है की आपको सही रास्ता दिखाए। तो आप Riser App पे आपको जिस चीज के बारे में ज्यादा पता हो उसके बारे में लोगो को बताके आप एअर्निंग कर सकते हो। मान लो की आप एक Astrologer हो। आप Astrology के बारे में वीडियोस बनाते हो तो बहुत सारे लोग अपने प्रॉब्लम का सोलुअशन के लिए आपको 1 : 1 कॉल पे बात करेंगे और उसके लिए पाय भी करेंगे। और  ऑनलाइन consultation हर साल तेजी से बढ़ रहा है। 

⇛  रिसर ऐप पे एजेंट कैसे बनते हैं(Riser App Pe Agent Kaise Bante Hai) ?
क्या आप एजेंट बनके हमारी टीम में शामिल होना चाहेंगे? और अगर आप हमारे Riser App के माध्यम से एजेंट बनकर और एक नए निर्माता से जुड़कर अपना बहुत सारा पैसा कमाना चाहते हैं, तो इस लिंक पर क्लिक करके एक एजेंट के रूप में पंजीकरण करें। 
  • एजेंट लाभ(Agent Profit) : अब आपके मन में मुख्य सवाल यह आता है कि आप एजेंट कैसे बन सकते हैं और Riser App से पैसे कैसे कमा सकते हैं? आपको अपने संपर्क के माध्यम से पंजीकृत प्रत्येक निर्माता के राजस्व से मासिक 3% कमीशन प्राप्त होगा।
  • एजेंट औसत कमाई(Agent Average Earning) : एजेंटों को उनके संपर्क के माध्यम से पंजीकृत प्रत्येक निर्माता से 3% कमीशन प्राप्त होगा। आपको बस उन्हें Riser App का कॉन्सेप्ट समझाना है और उन्हें शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड करने के लिए तैयार करना है और वे लाखों कमा सकते हैं।
  • उदाहरण(Example) : मान लीजिए कि आपके रेफ़रलकर्ता के पास 1000 क्रिएटर्स पंजीकृत हैं और प्रत्येक क्रिएटर की लागत कम से कम रु. 10,000/-. अगर आप कमा रहे हैं तो आपकी कमाई 3,00,000/-  लाख रुपए है। क्या होगा। 

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PM Kisan Tractor Scheme, Online Registration 2021: Apply for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme.

PM Kisan Tractor Scheme, Online Registration 2021: Apply for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme.
PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના,ઓનલાઇન નોંધણી 2021: પ્રધાનમંત્રી કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના માટે અરજી કરો.

PM Kisan Tractor Scheme: PM Kisan Tractor Scheme is managed by the Government of India. Under this, farmers are given up to 50 per cent subsidy on tractors (50 per cent subsidy under PM Kisan Tractor Scheme). In such a situation the farmer brothers have to spend not only on their farms and crops but also on farm implements.
PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના: PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના ભારત સરકાર દ્વારા સંચાલિત છે. આ અંતર્ગત ખેડુતોને ટ્રેકટરો ઉપર ૨૦% થી 50 ટકા સુધીની સબસિડી આપવામાં આવે છે

PM Kisan Tractor Scheme, Online Registration 2021: Apply for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme.

Registration of PM Tractor Scheme in Gujarati | Eligibility for Pradhan Mantri Tractor Scheme Kisan Tractor Scheme PM Kisan Tractor Scheme Registration 2021 | Apply online.

Under Pradhan Mantri Tractor Yojana (PM Kisan Tractor Yojana), loans are being given to farmers in the country to buy tractors. So that the farmer brothers can easily use the tractor for farming and other farming related works and improve the life of the farmers. Friends Tractor is a much needed farming machinery that increases crop productivity, increases product quality and reduces operational risk. So let us know what is PM Kisan Tractor Scheme and how you can apply / online / offline in it and how you can get 20 to 50 percent subsidy from the government and what documents you will need with it. We will get the complete information today.

Also read: પીવીસી (PVC)_પ્લાસ્ટિક આધારકાર્ડ ઓર્ડર કરો...જાતેજ આપના મોબાઈલથી જ.

➜   Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme - PM Kisan Tractor Scheme 2021
પ્રધાનમંત્રી કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના - પીએમ કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના 2021 )

The yield per hectare of farmers in India is very low. The best way to increase agricultural productivity is to mechanize farming. This means that the country's farmers are increasingly using modern equipment in agriculture. So speed up work saves time and energy. Of all the farming implements, the tractor is the most useful, multi-purpose, the best tool. We must see that the farmer who has a tractor does most of the work on time. To this end, the Government of India has decided to provide subsidy on tractors to farmers. Any farmer can avail the benefits of this scheme by applying for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme 2021. The subsidy will be given directly to the bank account like other farmer schemes. It is very important to link the bank account with the Aadhaar card for the Prime Minister's tractor scheme.

➜   PM Farmer Objectives of Tractor Scheme :
( PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજનાના ઉદ્દેશો )

The objective of this Pradhan Mantri Tractor Scheme is to improve the economic condition of the farmers so that they can easily get maximum profit by using machinery and farming works and if the farmer brothers become happy and financially strong then their interest will also be in farming. So the country's agricultural growth rate will benefit. To keep the agricultural growth rate unchanged, the Central Government and the State Government provide 20 to 50 per cent subsidy to farmers directly for the purchase of agricultural implements depending on their economic status. 

About The Scheme.
Name of the scheme PM Kisan Tractor Scheme
Launched byInitiated by the Central Government
BenefitsSubsidy benefits on the purchase of a tractor 
Beneficial forBeneficial for farmers in India
Applying MethodOnline and Offline ( Depends Upon State)

➜   Some important points of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme.
પ્રધાનમંત્રી કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજનાના કેટલાક મહત્વપૂર્ણ મુદ્દાઓ.)
  • Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme, if a farmer wants to buy a tractor, he can get a subsidy from the government, although he has to meet all the conditions related to the application.
  • The age of the applicant to get a tractor loan should be at least 18 years. The maximum age of the applicant can be up to 60 years.
  • The maximum annual income of the applicant is also kept as determined by different state.
  • The Farm Mechanization Scheme is a part of the National Agricultural Development Plan (RKVY) and has been implemented in mission mode.
  • Under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme, 20 to 50 per cent of the cost is given as subsidy for purchase of tractors. This subsidy is based on the price of the tractor.
  • To apply for PM Tractor Scheme, one has to contact the CSC Center or applications can also be made online. In some states, Tractor Plan 2021 online form is also accepted, the details of which are given in this article.

PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજનાનો લાભ )
  • Under the Pradhan Mantri Tractor Scheme, farmers who do not have tractors and want to increase their income by using these machines.
  • On applying for Kisan Tractor Scheme, the applicant will be given a subsidy of 20 to 50 per cent directly in the bank account. The point to note here is that the bank account must be linked to the Aadhaar card.
  • If there is a female applicant, the benefit will be more. Farmers will be able to take the tractor immediately after the application is passed.
  • Following the approval of the PM Kisan Tractor Scheme, you can also apply for equipment with it, some states have also provided subsidy on those equipment.
  • Under the scheme, loan facility is provided to the farmers for purchasing tractors. The remaining money can be repaid through a farmer loan.

➜    Eligibility for Pradhan Mantri Kisan Tractor Scheme:
( પ્રધાનમંત્રી કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના માટેની પાત્રતા)
  • To apply for PM Tractor Scheme, land documents must be in the name of the applicant.
  • In order to avail the benefit of the scheme, the applicant has to keep in mind whether he has availed the benefit of any government scheme in the last 7 (seven) years.
  • In this scheme PM Kisan Tractor Scheme, the applicant must have a bank account and Aadhaar card.

    PM Tractor Scheme Registration 2021:
(PM ટ્રેક્ટર યોજનાની નોંધણી 2021)

If you also want to apply for a tractor plan, you can apply for a tractor plan through a public contact center or online. You can get 20 per cent to 50 per cent subsidy under the scheme. This tractor scheme will make you self-reliant in farming and increase your income.

➜    Documents required for registration of PM Kisan Tractor Scheme:
PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના નોંધણી માટે જરૂરી દસ્તાવેજો)
  • Aadhaar card of the applicant
  • Bank account passbook
  • Mobile number
  • Land Papers / Land Documentary Certificate
  • Proof of Identity - / Passport / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Voter ID Card / PAN Card
  • Passport size photo

Also read: અંગ્રેજી વાંચતા,લખતા,બોલતા શિખો.

➜    PM Kisan Tractor Scheme 2021 Apply Apply Online:
PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના 2021 ઓનલાઇન અરજી કરો)
Kisan Tractor Scheme 2021 can be applied through CSC Digital Service Center or Public Service Center or online, for this you can contact Gram Sevak or Gram Panchayat. Below is a list of some of the states accepting online applications and links. Farmers of these states will be able to apply online from this link. 👇
  1.  Bihar - online link
  2.  Goa - Online Link
  3.  Haryana -  online link
  4.  Madhya Pradesh - online link
  5.  Maharashtra - Online Link
  6.  Rajasthan -  e-mitra center online link
In this list wise states where this PM tractor scheme is offline, it is given below. For PM Tractor Scheme registration in these states, you can contact Public Service Center (CSC) and request Tractor Scheme 2021 online form, in this form you have to fill all the information and submit application form (offline registration) along with documents. The information requested in the form like name, address etc. should be filled and submitted to the Public Service Center only.
આ સૂચી મુજબના રાજ્યોમાં કે જ્યાં આ પ્રધાનમંત્રી ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના ઓફલાઇન છે, તે નીચે આપેલ છે. આ રાજ્યોમાં પીએમ ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના નોંધણી માટે, તમે જાહેર સેવા કેન્દ્ર (CSC)નો સંપર્ક કરી શકો છો અને ટ્રેક્ટર યોજના 2021 ઓનલાઇન ફોર્મ ભરી શકો છો. 👇
  1.  Delhi
  2.  Gujarat
  3.  Himachal Pradesh
  4.  Jammu and Kashmir
  5.  Jharkhand
  6.  Karnataka
  7.  Kerala
  8.  Manipur
  9.  Andaman and Nicobar
  10.  Andhra Pradesh
  11.  Arunachal Pradesh
  12.  Assam
  13.  Chandigarh.
  14.  Chhattisgarh.
  15.  Dadra - Nagar Haveli
  16.  Daman - Diu
  17.  Meghalaya
  18.  Mizoram
  19.  Nagaland
  20.  Orissa
  21.  Pondicherry
  22.  Punjab
  23.  Rajasthan
  24.  Sikkim
  25.  Tamil Nadu
  26.  Telangana
  27.  Tripura
  28.  Uttaranchal
  29.  Uttar Pradesh
  30.  West Bengal

➜    Frequently Asked Questions in PM Kisan Tractor Scheme
( PM કિસાન ટ્રેક્ટર યોજનામાં વારંવાર પૂછાતા પ્રશ્નો )

How to apply for PM Kisan Tractor Scheme?
To avail this scheme, application can be made both online and offline. The list of states accepting online applications is given in the article. In other states, applications can also be made through offline centers.

What are the benefits provided to farmers under the Prime Minister's Tractor Scheme?
In this scheme farmers are given subsidy on purchase of tractor, this subsidy can be as much as 50% of the amount of tractor?

What documents will be required for PM Kisan Tractor Scheme Registration 2021?
Aadhaar card of the applicant
Bank account passbook
Mobile number
Land Papers / Land Documentary Certificate
Proof of Identity - / Passport / Aadhar Card / Driving License / Voter ID Card / PAN Card
Passport size photo

When can I apply for PM Kisan Tractor Scheme?
In this scheme, the application is made by the State Governments, who keep it running from time to time, so that you can check online by the concerned department of the State Governments or from time to time.

Also read: 125 સરકારી યોજનાઓની સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી.

We hope you enjoyed the PM Kisan Tractor Scheme article (information). For any help, you can ask your question by comment. More articles have been written for farmers on this website, schemes run by the state and central government, you can read and take advantage.

Share this information with your relatives so that they too can benefit from this scheme.
આપના સગા સબંધીઓને પણ આ જાણકારી શેર કરશો જેથી એમને પણ આ યોજનાનો લાભ મળે.

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement_Notification
( મહત્વપૂર્ણ: કૃપા કરીને હંમેશાં સત્તાવાર વેબસાઇટ અને જાહેરાત_નોટિફિકેશન સાથે ઉપરની વિગતોને તપાસો અને પુષ્ટિ કરો. )

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E-Gram Scheme: Complete information of 125 schemes under DIGITAL SERVICE

E-Gram Scheme: Complete information of 125 schemes under DIGITAL SERVICE
ઇ-ગ્રામ યોજના :  DIGITAL SERVICE અંતર્ગત 125 યોજનાઓ ની સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી..
E-Gram Scheme

E-Gram Yojana: Under DIGITAL SERVICE, citizens of Gujarat will be given a copy of birth and death certificates for only Rs. 10
🔰  તમામ સરકારી યોજનાઓ ની માહિતી અને તેનો લાભ લેવા કયા ડોકયુમેન્ટ જોઈએ તેમજ  કોઈપણ સરકારી પ્રમાણપત્ર/દાખલો કઢાવવા કયા ડોકયુમેન્ટ જોઈએ અને કયાથી નીકળશે તેની યાદી 125 યોજનાઓની સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી  PDF.👇

Today, the whole world is rapidly changing from physical to digital. The pace of doing most of the daily work is changing rapidly. From the use of information technology to education, all banking activities are changing rapidly. From the use of information technology to education to all banking activities, the process of depositing / disbursing money is going smoothly. Delivering information digitally has increased efficiency, transparency and accountability, and significantly reduced operating costs.

Following the government's order, birth and death certificate services will now be available to Ardar within a day.  For this the applicant has to give details by contacting the VCE of the e-Gram Center and then the VCE will confirm the registration sought by the applicant from the GCR system and then immediately give a copy of the certificate to the applicant.

What is e-Gram Yojana? What will be the benefit of this scheme to the citizens at the end of the villages?

  • At the village level, it is the only state in the country which has the facility to provide e-services through computer in 13685 gram panchayats.
  • Out of total 13685 Gram Panchayats, computer facility in 100% Gram Panchayats is an unprecedented achievement.
  • All Talati-cum-Mantras of the state trained with e-gram software
  • Connection of all 25 District Panchayats (100%) and 224 Taluka Panchayats (about 100%) to Gujarat State Wide Area Network
  • Connecting the villagers with the world through e-connectivity coming in at a total of 13685 gram panchayats.
  • Connection of 7400 Gram Panchayats with KY Bond through Bayseg Studio, Ganghinagar.
  • In the first phase, mainly birth-death certificate, income proof, caste proof, character certificate, residence certificate etc. and availability of forms / application forms of various government schemes through e-gram.
  • Arrangement of Satellite Based Direct Digital Reception System at all District Panchayats, Taluka Panchayats and Training Centers for dissemination of information as well as training of Panchayat members and staff.
  • Arrangement of Taluka Information Center with Touch Screen Kiosk in every Taluka Panchayat Office to provide necessary information and information of Panchayat Account to the people.
  • Online availability of information on panchayat accounts through e-Prima software.
  • Involvement of internal administrative functions of Panchayats in Intra Panchayat software and implementation on pilot basis.
  • Information on 7/12 and 8 / A extracts etc. coming to the farmer at the village level Planning and arrangement to come from the Gram Panchayat from the server at the taluka / district level.
  • Village NRG / N R. I. At the same time, under the cyber service through the use of internet, information related to agriculture, education related to health, health related information is being made available by the villagers at the gram panchayat.
  • Planning to provide electricity and telephone bills, insurance and postal services at e-gram panchayat.
  • For the successful management of e-gram panchayat, the village's private village computer entrepreneurial e-services as an assistant to the talati-cum-minister will be made available at the e-gram panchayat through 'Black-Private-Partnership' (PPP).
  • Selection of company providing internet connectivity in total 13685 e-villages.
➜  સરકારી 125 યોજનાઓની માહિતી ફાઈલ  PDF વાંચો/જાણો.
ડાઉનલોડ કરો.
On the other hand, in order to make the copy of birth and death certificates available to the citizens immediately from the e-gram centers, the state government has decided that the services under the Health Family Welfare Department should be provided from the e-gram centers in one day.  

Gandhinagar VENTIL Mi / Share Applicant  The benefits of various welfare schemes of the state government are being implemented under the village scheme. The various services and certificates available through e-gram centers in the state will be available to the citizens in a single day from now on.  Village Centers for availing services under Health and Family Welfare Department .

Important link:
These services are implemented from the year 2007-08. It has been decided by the State Department of Health and Family Welfare that the benefits of various welfare schemes of the State Government are implemented under Gram Yojana.  .  However, starting with information technology, public utility services are being provided through Gamde Gamde Gram Yojana.  These services have been in operation since last year 2007-08 but the state government has also implemented digital service bridge with a view to increase administrative transparency in the state and speed up the resolution of personalized services.  VCE will ensure the registration sought by the applicant from GCR system. 

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Bank of Baroda (BOB) WhatsApp Banking service Launched

Bank of Baroda (BOB) WhatsApp banking service launched
Bank of Baroda (BOB) WhatsApp Banking

બેંક ઓફ બરોડા (BOB) વોટ્સએપ બેંકિંગ સર્વિસ શરૂ થઇ.
Bank of Baroda (BOB) WhatsApp banking service launched in which Baroda Bank WhatsApp Purge will provide many services to Bank of Baroda customers.

Bank of Baroda
➜   Let us know a little about Bank of Baroda...

Let us know a little about Bank of Baroda ...
Bank of Baroda is a Government of India-owned banking and financial services company. It is the third largest state-owned bank in India. It has 131 million customers, a total business of US$218 billion. and a global presence of 100 foreign offices. According to 2019 data, it ranks 1145th on the Forbes Global 2000 list.

Bank of Baroda, India's International Bank Offers Internet Banking Services, Mobile Banking Services, Accounts, Loans, Financial Services to Corporates and NRIs.

In which you have to save the number given below here.

➜   What services will the customer get in Bank of Baroda (BOB) WhatsApp banking service?
  • Check Account Balance
  • Cheque Status Enquiry
  • Get Mini Statement (Last 5 Transaction)
  • Cheque Book Request
  • Block Debit Card
  • Raise the Complaint
  • Know Customer ID
  • Know Registered Mail ID
  • Know Interest Rate and Charges
  • Locate Nearest Branch / ATM
  • Contact Centre Details
  • Apply/ Know for various Banking Product/ Services / Offers

Also Read: સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી ગુજરાતીમાં અહીંથી જાણો.

Let us know how this WhatsApp service of Bank of Baroda works .. So for that we follow this step.
First of all, save the bank's WhatsApp business account number 8433 888 777 in your mobile contact list.

સૌ પ્રથમ પામે તમારી મોબાઇલ સંપર્ક સૂચિમાં બેંકનો વ્હોટ્સએપ વ્યવસાય એકાઉન્ટ નંબર 8433 888 777  સેવ કરી દો.

Step-1: Register yourself.
Click on the link below to start a conversation directly on the bank's WhatsApp number.

Step 2: Start chatting.
Using WhatsApp, message the bank's saved 8433888777 by typing "HI".
Starting a conversation will mean that you agree to the terms and conditions of WhatsApp banking.

Main Features of WhatsApp Banking:
  • Bank of Baroda's retail customers will get the message of available facilities.
  • Reply the serial number of the person about whom you want to get information.
  • Immediately a return message will come from the bank corresponding to that facility.
  • To go back to the main menu, you have to message #.
  • Messaging * (star) to see the preview.
In this way the customers of Bank of Baroda will get the benefit of the facilities available.

      Bank of Baroda is pioneer in customer centric initiatives which aims to provide convenience in availing banking services with safety and security. We are pleased to announce the launch of "New Digital Delivery channel – WhatsApp Banking".
     Time passes very quickly.  Some did good, some did bad.  In the race for life, someone ran very fast, and some remained far behind.  If someone found a lot, then someone was deprived.  Whatever may have happened, but all of that has been left behind because the cycle of time has gone far ahead.

   You do not move, you do not move forward, you do not move, do not become a person, but time never waits for anyone.  It will always be moving, it will always grow.

Important Link : 

Important: For more information visit your nearest branch.

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