7/12 extract and 8-A Complete information || 7/12 Utara ni Mahiti Very useful information for farmers
7/12 ઉતારા અને 8-અ ની સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી, ખેડૂતો માટે ખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી જાણકારી.
Hello farmer friends ...
Today in this post we will get detailed information about village samples 3 and 12 and 2-A.
Village samples 3 and 12 and 2-A are important documents of land.
What is a 5/12 extract copy and 2-A is very important for the farmer friends to understand
7/12 i.e. out of total 18 forms fixed for land record, form no. 2 and Form no. A sheet made by combining two sheets of 12M is called 7/12. Village Sample Form No. It also gives details of ownership area, all notes related to survey number, bank, co-operative society or any type of agriculture loan taken by the farmer, details of its burden, land or any kind of government waste, land pressure details. Along with this information, according to the village sample sheet-12, there is also a frequent need for information related to the cultivation of Sadarhu land, so the sheet prepared by combining the two forms is called the sample 7 and 12 of the village. At the top is sample 8 and at the bottom is sample 12. Some friends must have seen the pattern of 7/12. The details of each of the information shown in it are marked with A. B. C as follows.
Block / survey number is written in village sample 7 and 12 e.g. Out of 1280. Then new condition or old condition land, name of farm and other details are written such as eligible for premium for non-cultivation, condition 33/A or other conditions. On the opposite side of these details are the details related to the village, taluka, district and then the land.
Eligible land compartments include Jarayat, Piyat or Kyaari or Horticulture. The total area in front of it (hectare and sq.m.) is stated. Thus all the information of any farm / survey number can be obtained from the extract of 7 and 12.
Gamana Namuna No.8-A (Land ledger) ગામના નમુનો નંબર-૮-અ (જમીનની ખાતાવહી) :
This sample shows the name / soj of the village to which the land belongs, taluka, district and its account number and names of occupants of the land, block survey numbers, area of land as per survey number, size and other details. What is the total amount of land in the farmer's account in Gamana Namuna number-8-A (land ledger)? How many survey numbers / farms are there in the farm? Its information is given in this form. The details of all the lands in the name of the farmer are given in this. Gamana Namuna 8-A Below the transcript is written the date the sample was extracted and the transcript number.
Block / Survey Number(બ્લોક/સરવે નંબર): -
Block / Survey Number is the number given to the farmer for identification of any part of the land from the time of sale. It is given a numeric number. This is known as survey number. This number has been divided into more than one part due to periodic transactions like sale, family distribution etc. E.g. 1 out of 70 , 2 out of 70 etc. are known by name.
Currently ... the total area of land in 7/12 is in hectare i.e. ha. Aare. Chomi. (Hectare - aare - square meter). Here are some details about the land and distance related to it to convert this size to an acre or division or any other measure to the farmer friends which will be useful to every farmer friend. The land can be easily calculated from it.
➜ Also Read:
- 1 Square foot = 0.0929 square meters (૧ ચોરસ ફૂટ = ૦.૦૯૨૯ ચોરસ મીટર
- 1 Square foot = 144 square inches (૧ ચોરસ ફૂટ = ૧૪૪ ચોરસ ઈંચ)
- 1 Square bar = 9 square feet (૧ ચોરસ વાર =૯ ચોરસ ફૂટ)
- 1 Square times = 0.8361 square meters (૧ ચોરસ વાર = ૦.૮૩૬૧ ચોરસ મીટર)
- 1 Guntha = 1010 square feet (૧ ગુંઠા = ૧૦૧૦ ચોરસ ફૂટ)
- 1 Guntha = 121 square times (૧ ગુંઠા = ૧૨૧ ચોરસ વાર)
- 1 Guntha = 101.17 square meters (૧ ગુંઠા = ૧૦૧.૧૭ ચોરસ મીટર)
- 1 Vasa = 1280 square feet (૧ વાસા = ૧૨૮૦ ચોરસ ફૂટ)
- 1 Vasa = 142.22 square times (૧ વાસા = ૧૪૨.૨૨ ચોરસ વાર)
- 1 Vasa = 119 suare meters (૧ વાસા = ૧૧૯ ચોરસ મીટર)
- 20 Vasa = 1 Vivu (૨૦ વાસા = ૧ વીવું)
- 24 Gunthas = 1 Vivu Gaikwadi in villages under its control)_૨૪ ગુંઠા = ૧ વીવું (ગાયકવાડી તાબાના ગામોમાં)
- 1 Vivu = 25591.50 square feet (૧ વીવું = ૨૫૫૯૧.૫૦ ચોરસ ફૂટ)
- 1 Vivu = 2843.5 square times (૧ વીવું = ૨૮૪૩.૫ ચોરસ વાર)
- 1 Vivu = 2378 square meters (૧ વીવું = ૨૩૭૮ ચોરસ મીટર)
- 1 knot = 101.1713 square meters (૧ ગુંઠો = ૧૦૧.૧૭૧૩ ચોરસ મીટર)
- 40 gunthas = 1 acre (૪૦ ગુંઠા = ૧ એકર)
- 100 guntas = 1 hectare (૧૦૦ ગુંઠા = ૧ હેકટર)
- 1 acre = 4046.85 square meters (૧ એકર = ૪૦૪૬.૮૫ ચોરસ મીટર)
- 1 acre = 0.405 hectare (૧ એકર = ૦.૪૦૫ હેક્ટર)
- 1 hectare = 2.4711 acres (૧ હેક્ટર = ૨.૪૭૧૧ એકર)
- 1 hectare = 1.1960 square times (૧ હેકટર = ૧.૧૯૬૦ ચોરસ વાર)
- 1 hectare = 10000, square meters (૧ હેક્ટર = ૧૦૦૦૦, ચોરસ મીટર)
- 100 hectares = 1 sq. Km (૧૦૦ હેક્ટર = ૧ ચોરસ કિલોમીટર)
- 1 km = 3333 feet (૧ કિ.મી. = ૩૩૩૩ ફુટ)
- 1 km = 0.6214 miles (૧ કિ.મી.= ૦.૬૨૧૪ માઈલ)
- 1 km = 1000 meters (૧ કિ.મી. = ૧૦૦૦ મીટર)
- 1 mile = 1.609 kilometers (૧ માઈલ = ૧.૬૦૯ કિલોમીટર)
- 1 square mile = 640 acres (૧ ચોરસ માઈલ = ૬૪૦ એકર)
- 1 square mile = 259 hectares (૧ ચોરસ માઈલ = ૨૫૯ હેકટર)
Land Power Type (જમીનનો સત્તા પ્રકાર) :
Here we can see the information about the type of authority which has been acquired by the account holder. Such as old condition (J.S.), new condition (N.S.), Pr.S.P.(પ્ર.સ.૫.), non-agricultural purpose premium eligible, non-agricultural, government traverses, Khalsa etc. are shown.
Name of the farm (ખેતરનું નામ ) :
Farmers have given different names to their farms to identify them. E.g. Bandh, Sodhivaaru, Gholivav, Musapir, Mendasar, Padardu, Ratkadi, Sonarki, Chhelo, Samatvaru, Takari, Bolanu, Ramtalavadu, Thariya etc.
Other details (અન્ય વિગતો) :
Any other special information if any is written here. For example, if two or more survey numbers are aggregated then which survey numbers are aggregated, those numbers are shown here. For example, 70 1 out of 70 and 2 out of 70.
Village, Taluka, District (ગામ, તાલુકો, જિલ્લો) :
Here are the details of which village, taluka and district 7/12 belongs to.
Eligible land (લાયક જમીન) :
Here in the qualified land section the details of the type of farmer's land from different types of land such as jarayat, bagay and kayari etc. and its area in front is hectare-aare-sq.m. Is written in
Poor texture (P.K.) "A" and "B" (પોત ખરાબો(પો.ખ.) ''અ'' અને ''બ'') :
Land which is not suitable for cultivation in any survey number is called texture bad. Which are of 2 (two) types. (1) Inclusion of land constructed in the farmer's field or khali (khalu) which is deemed unfit for cultivation at the time of survey. Occurs in "A". (2) Including cultivable land which is reserved for public purpose, road, 3 gawat or any other person except the occupant of the lake or spring which is used for drinking water or for drinking of people. Occurs in "B".
Shape (Rs.)_આકાર (રૂ.) :
Shape is the revenue of agricultural land. Which is called Vighoti in rural area. Thus, the amount of revenue / tax of a farmer's land is shown here. This amount of land revenue is taxed like local fund and education tax.
Judi & Specials (Rs.)_જુડી તથા વિષેશઘારો (રૂ.) :
Apart from the revenue (size) of agricultural land, if any special type of tax or levy is levied on that land, the details are shown in the section of Judy and special houses.
Water Section (Rs.)પાણીભાગ (રૂ.) :
The amount of water that the government is entitled to is used by the land grabber, the amount that he decides for the use of water is known as "Panibhag" or "Piavo" and the amount is written here.
Details of Ganotia (ગણોતિયાની વિગતો):
The person who owns the land is called Ganotia and if this Ganotia allows another person to cultivate it, it is called sub Ganotia. The names of the Ganotias are written in this section of 7/12 of the areas in which Ganotgharas are applicable.
Account Number (ખાતા નંબર) :
Here the account number of the farmer's land is stated. On the basis of which village sample No. 8-A can be extracted and 8-A is considered as index of farmer's land. So the account number is written here on the basis of which the land belongs to which account.
In this section, since the revenue record came into existence, the number of change notes which have been changed as per the rights of the land till the day of copying is shown and the details of title clearing of that land can be known only on the basis of those notes. So this section of 7/12 remains very important. And below this are the names of the occupants / owners of the current situation.
Details of other rights and burdens (બીજા હકો અને બોજાની વિગતો) :
If the farmer has borne the burden of the land, then his note number and details of where to bury it can be found here. In this section, if the details of well-bore, revenue or court case restraining order, water-gas or oil pipeline have been acquired in this section, then its details can also be seen here.
# - Rejected ( # - નામંજુર) :
In case of non-fulfillment of any important and necessary documents in the submitted papers of the right holder or the name of any interested person is missing, in case of non-execution of the notice under Section 135(d) of the Land Revenue Act, no one's interest is harmed. The sanctioning officer rejects such entry. The '' # '' sign next to that note number. Thus, the rejected note cannot be re-issued at the e-Ghara Center and for that an appeal case has to be filed in the office of the competent authority under Section 108 (5) of the Land Revenue Act.
' & ' - Conflict ( ' & ' - તકરારી) :
When an objection is raised by a co-stakeholder or other third party against a claim of the right holder, the disputed case is taken to the disputed register. And the order is made. Thus, a '' & '' sign is placed next to the number of such a note.
Measure your land. Automatically from your Android mobile
In which you will be able to measure your farm, plot, distance between two places etc.
Watch this video to get detailed information of village samples 9/12 and 8-A ... in which you will be able to know which survey number of the farmer and how much is frozen in total in acre and vidha and other measurements.
Important for farmer friends (ખેડૂત મિત્રો માટે ખાસ અગત્યનું) :
While every department in Gujarat has gone digital, Gujarat Revenue Department is not far behind. Now .... to the farmer friends village sample no. 7 and 12, 8-A, 6-Hakk Patrak, information on the extraction of notes can now be obtained from their mobile, computer, or laptop purse.
ગુજરાતમાં અત્યારે દરેક વિભાગ ડીઝીટલ થઇ ગયા છે ત્યારે ગુજરાત રેવન્યુ વિભાગ પણ પાછળ નથી. હવે.... ખેડૂત મિત્રોને પોતાની જમીનના ગામ નમૂના નં. ૭ અને ૧૨, ૮-અ, ૬-હક્ક પત્રક, નોંધો ના ઉતારાની જાણકારી હવે પોતાના મોબાઈલ, કોમ્પ્યુટર,કે લેપટોપ પરજ મેળવી શકશે.
Village samples from now on online no. 7 and 12, 8-A, 6-Hakk Patrak, Excerpt of Notes (Not Manual Online from Heavy)
Village Sample No. 7 (VF7) by the Government means the base of the land can now be seen with one click.
A Brief History of Land Records Before and Today (જમીન રેકર્ડ પહેલા અને આજે જોઇએ તેનો થોડો ઇતિહાસ):
The basis of his land before the farmer account holder - Village Sample no. He had to go to the Mamlatdar's office to get the transcripts of no. 7 and 12, 8-A, 6-Hakk Patrak. The RoR @ Village project was launched in January 2006 under e-Gram for a very useful service by the government to solve this problem by which the land revenue records are available to the farmers in every village. Under RoR @ Village, the account holder can get an authorized copy of his land record in any village. Here you can find copies of Village Sample No. no. 7 and 12, 8-A, 6-Hakk Patrak. Initially this project was started in 2279 villages of 166 talukas, then today it is active in almost all the villages of Gujarat where there is a gram panchayat, at the e-gram centers. Another success story is that RoR @ Village also received the Microsoft Award for Outstanding Service. Through this project the account holder does not have to go to his taluka, and only go to his e-village center in the village, village sample no. no. 7 and 12, 8-A, 6-Hakk Patrak, Copies of Notes can be obtained. Thus, however, it was further digitized.
RoR @ Village was modified. From now on e-Gram, village sample no. Of any village of any taluka of any district. 7 and 12, 8-A, 6-Hakk Patrak, can delete notes. Then the software of village samples given from Mamlatdar's office was changed. And finally RoR @ Village was ranked as a public website. And RoR @ Village is now RoR @ Internet.
ગામના નમુનો ૭ / ૧૨ અને ૮-અ ની વિસ્તૃત જાણકારી

- first the village record or city record or property card,
- > select the option that applies to you.
- > Mano has chosen the village record. Another page will open.
- > On the next page you can see your information by clicking on Select Any One (select any one)
- > District
- > Taluka
- > Village
- > Survey Number Select
- > Captcha Code
- > click on Get Record detail.
Captcha code has been enabled. So that security also increased.
Special Note: Farmer friends ... It is the age of technology, there will still be many changes. Everything is happening online.
ખાસ નોંધ : ખેડૂત મિત્રો... ટેક્નોલોજીનો જમાનો છે હજૂ ઘણા બધા ફેરફારો થતાં રહેશે. બધુ ઓનલાઇન થઇ રહ્યું છે.
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