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Baby Name's: Bal Namavli | Indian names for girls and boys from A to Z

Baby Name's: Bal Namavli | Indian names for girls and boys from A to Z
Baby Name's
Baby Name's

Baby Name's: બાળ નામાવલી | A થી Z સુધીના છોકરીઓ અને છોકરાઓના ભારતીય નામ

ગુજરાતી બેબી બોયઝ એન્ડ ગર્લ્સ લેટેસ્ટ ન્યુ બાલ નામાવલી 2022-23 | A થી Z છોકરીઓ અને છોકરાઓના નામ

Naming the newborn(નવજાત શિશુનું નામકરણ કરવું):
Naming a newborn baby is an important event. Because the name stays with him for life. A person is identified by his name throughout his life. Hence, when naming a newborn baby, the search for a name begins. In earlier times, this right belonged to Fiba. .so that in the earlier times, the same type of persons with the same name were seen more. Today times have changed. Every parent wants to name their baby something different or special. Also, some are willing to give foreign names. So, when searching for a name, everyone has the same question - what name to keep? Is this good or that good? At such a time, if there is an opportunity to choose names according to Rashi, meaning or religion, then parents can find a name that suits them better. . Here you will find numerous options of names.

Things to keep in mind while naming the baby(બાળકનું નામ આપતી વખતે ધ્યાનમાં રાખવાની બાબતો) :
Following things are very important to keep in mind while naming the baby.
  1. Before giving any name it is necessary to know its meaning. The name should be meaningful.
  2. If you want to give a name according to the zodiac sign, then the child's zodiac sign should be taken first.
  3. Before naming a foreign name, it should be known whether the name can be pronounced easily. Because, if the name is not easy to pronounce then people will corrupt its name and call it by another name.
  4. A name should be chosen that is short and easy to pronounce.
  5. Before giving an English name, it is necessary to consider how many letters are there in its spelling. If the spelling letters are less, it is easier to write the child's name.
  6. The child's name should match the parent's name when spoken or written (especially the father's name).
  7. There are many names which are common to both boys and girls. Such names should not be chosen.

Gujarati Baby Boys & Girls Latest New Baal Namawali 2022-23 – Remember Newborn Baby Boys Name !! Names aren't just for birthdays - they're for life! Some people say that names have a significant impact on the development and personality of children. Many people believe that speaking negatively creates negative energy and speaking positively creates positive energy around them.

All Gujarati baby names are arranged alphabetically with their meanings and you can view them in English and Gujarati language.

Bal Namawali Gujarati Baby Girls and Baby Boys Names For a time when naming a baby that will develop his/her personality traits according to the meaning of the name, whether you are a mom or dad to a new cute baby, we've collected a list of modern

Gujarati baby names with their meanings. These names are ultramodern as well as unique. A huge collection of Hindu baby names both masculine and womanish baby names, even if you are pregnant or expecting a baby you can choose names, rearmost and popular, rare boys and girls names. First Sanskrit and Hindi names. Hindu Boy Names and Hindu Girl Names.
Beautiful Girl and Boy Names 2022-23 Unique - Bal Namavali

Gujarati Hindu Baby Boys Names Hinduism is the main religion of Indian Key, India, Nepal, Mauritius and Fiji have large Hindu populations. This baby name list is arranged alphabetically.

Gujarati Baby Boy Names Some names are long and you can make a surname out of them to keep them short. Aliases can be used to dock an approved name. This compilation of names and their meanings is collected from various sources, many of these are submitted by callers so we cannot be held responsible for their authenticity.
Gujarati Bal Namawali 2022 Gujarati Boy Girl Name | Child registration

Gujarati Baby Girls and Boys Latest New Bal Names

Important Links:

Gujarati Baby Boy and Baby Girl Names Drink Gujarati Baby Names Collection (Gujarati Namo Namawali). Our latest list of Gujarati boy names and Gujarati girl names will help you choose the perfect baby name.

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લિંક :

ગુજરાતી બેબી બોયઝ એન્ડ ગર્લ્સ લેટેસ્ટ ન્યુ બાલ નામાવલી 2022 | A થી Z છોકરીઓ અને છોકરાઓના નામ
Baby Name's: બાળ નામાવલી | A થી Z સુધીના છોકરીઓ અને છોકરાઓના ભારતીય નામ

નવજાત શિશુનું નામકરણ કરવું :
નવજાત શિશુનું નામકરણ કરવું એ એક અગત્યની ઘટના છે. કારણ  નામ આજીવન તેની સાથે રહે છે.કોઇપણ વ્યક્તિ જીવનભર તેના નામ વડે જ ઓળખાય છે.આથી નવજાત શિશુનું નામકરણ કરવાનું હોય ત્યારે તેના નામની શોધ શરૂ થાય છે.પહેલાંના જમાનામાં આ અધિકાર ફઇબાને હતો.ગામ-લત્તાનાં અન્ય નામો જોઇને ફઇબા એક નામ પસંદ કરતાં.જેથી પહેલાંના જમાનામાં એક જ પ્રકારની નામધારિ વ્યક્તિઓ વધારે જોવા મળતી. આજે જમાનો બદલાયો છે.દરેક માબાપને પોતાનાં શિશુનું નામ કંઇક અલગ કે વિશિષ્ટ રાખવાની ખેવના હોય છે.વળી, કોઇ પરદેશી નામો પાડવા ઇચ્છુક હોય છે. એટલે જ્યારે નામની શોધ કરવાની હોય ત્યારે બધાને એક જ સવાલ થાય છે- ક્યું નામ રખવું ? આ સારું કે તે સારું ? આવા સમયે જો નામોની રાશિ,અર્થ કે ધર્મ અનુસાર પસંદગી કરવાની તક મળે તો માબાપ પોતાને વધુ સારું લાગે   તેવું નામ શોધીને પાડી શકે છે..આ માટે નીચેની લિંકો ખૂબ જ ઉપયોગી થઇ પડશે.શિશુનું રાશિ, અર્થ  કે ધર્મ મુજબ નામ પાડવામાં ઘણી સરળતા રહેશે. અહીં નામોના અસંખ્ય વિકલ્પો જોવા મળશે.

બાળકનું નામ આપતી વખતે ધ્યાનમાં રાખવાની બાબતો :
    શિશુનું નામકરણ કરતી વખતે નીચેની બાબતો ધ્યાને રાખવી ખૂબ જરૂરી હોય છે.
  1. કોઇપણ નામ પાડતાં પહેલાં તેનો અર્થ જાણી લેવો જરૂરી છે.નામ અર્થસભર હોવું જોઇએ.
  2. જો રાશિ પ્રમાણે નામ પાડવું હોય તો પ્રથમ બાળકની રાશિ કઢાવી લેવી જોઇએ.
  3. વિદેશી નામ પાડતાં પહેલાં એ જાણી લેવું જોઇએ કે તે નામ સરળતાથી બોલી શકાય છે કે કેમ? કારણ,જો નામ બોલવામાં સરળતા નહી હોય તો લોકો તેના નામનું અપભ્રંશ કરીને તેને બીજા નામે  બોલાવશે. 
  4. ટૂંકુ અને બોલવામાં સરળ હોય તેવું નામ જ પસંદ કરવું જોઇએ.
  5. અંગ્રેજી નામ પાડતાં પહેલાં તેના સ્પેલિંગમાં કેટલા અક્ષરો છે  તે ધ્યાને લેવા જરૂરી છે.સ્પેલિંગના અક્ષરો ઓછા હોય તો બાળકનું નામ લખવામાં સરળતા રહે છે.
  6. શિશુનું નામ માબાપના નામ સાથે બોલાય કે લખાય ત્યારે બંધબેસતું હોવું જોઇએ (ખાસ કરીને પિતાના નામ સાથે)
  7. ઘણા નામો એવા હોય છે કે જે છોકરા-છોકરી બન્ને માટે કોમન હોય  છે.આવાં નામો પસંદ ન કરવા જોઇએ.

બાલ નામાવલી 2022-23 :
ગુજરાતી બેબી બોયઝ એન્ડ ગર્લ્સ રીઅરમોસ્ટ નવી બાલ નામાવલી 2022-23 – નવજાત બેબી છોકરાઓનું નામ યાદ રાખો !! નામ ફક્ત જન્મદિવસ માટે જ નથી - તે જીવન માટે છે! કેટલાક લોકો કહે છે કે નામ બાળકોના વિકાસ અને વ્યક્તિત્વ પર નોંધપાત્ર અસર કરે છે. અસંખ્ય લોકો માને છે કે નકારાત્મક બોલવાથી નકારાત્મક ઉર્જા ઉત્પન્ન થાય છે અને સકારાત્મક બોલવાથી તેમની આસપાસ સકારાત્મક ઉર્જા ઉત્પન્ન થાય છે.

તમામ ગુજરાતી બાળકોના નામ તેમના અર્થો સાથે મૂળાક્ષરોના ક્રમમાં ગોઠવાયેલા છે અને તમે તેને અંગ્રેજી અને ગુજરાતી ભાષામાં જોઈ શકો છો.

બાલ નામાવલી ગુજરાતી બેબી ગર્લ્સ અને બેબી બોયઝના નામ એવા સમય માટે બાળકનું નામ લેવાથી જે તેના/તેણીના નામના અર્થ અનુસાર તેમના વ્યક્તિત્વના લક્ષણોનો વિકાસ કરશે, પછી ભલે તમે નવા સુંદર બાળકના મામા અથવા પિતા હોવ, અમે' મોર્ડનની યાદી એકઠી કરી છે

ગુજરાતી બાળકોના નામ તેમના અર્થ સાથે. આ નામો અલ્ટ્રામોડર્ન તેમજ યુનિક છે. મેનલી અને વુમનિશ બેબી નામો બંને હિન્દુ બેબી નામોનો વિશાળ સંગ્રહ, જો તમે ગર્ભવતી હો અથવા બાળકની રાહ જોઈ રહ્યા હોવ તો પણ તમે નામો, રીઅરમોસ્ટ અને લોકપ્રિય, દુર્લભ છોકરાઓ અને છોકરીઓના નામો પસંદ કરી શકો છો. પ્રથમ સંસ્કૃત અને હિન્દી નામો. હિન્દુ છોકરાઓના નામ અને હિન્દુ છોકરીઓના નામ.
સુંદર છોકરી અને છોકરાઓના નામ 2022-23 અનન્ય - બાલ નામાવલી

ગુજરાતી હિંદુઓ બેબી બોયઝ નામ હિંદુ ધર્મ એ ભારતીય કીનો મુખ્ય ધર્મ છે, ભારત, નેપાળ, મોરેશિયસ અને ફિજીમાં હિંદુઓની મોટી વસ્તી છે. આ બાળકના નામની સૂચિ મૂળાક્ષરો પ્રમાણે ગોઠવવામાં આવી છે.

ગુજરાતી બેબી બોય નામ કેટલાક નામ લાંબા હોય છે અને તેને ટૂંકું રાખવા માટે તમે તેનાથી અટક બનાવી શકો છો. મંજૂર નામને ડોક કરવા માટે ઉપનામોનો ઉપયોગ કરી શકાય છે. નામો અને તેમના અર્થોનું આ સંકલન રંગબેરંગી સ્ત્રોતોમાંથી એકત્રિત કરવામાં આવ્યું છે, આમાંના અસંખ્ય કોલર્સ દ્વારા સબમિટ કરવામાં આવ્યા છે તેથી તેમની અધિકૃતતા માટે અમને જવાબદાર ઠેરવી શકાય નહીં.
ગુજરાતી બાલ નામાવલી 2022 ગુજરાતી છોકરા છોકરીનું નામ | બાળકની નોંધણી

ગુજરાતી બેબી બોય અને બેબી ગર્લના નામો ડ્રિંક ગુજરાતી બેબી નામોનો સંગ્રહ (ગુજરાતી નામો નામાવલી). ગુજરાતી છોકરાઓ અને ગુજરાતી છોકરીના નામો કરતાં પણ આગળની અમારી સૌથી પાછળની યાદી તમને બાળકનું સંપૂર્ણ નામ પસંદ કરવામાં મદદ કરશે.
ગુજરાતી બેબી ગર્લ્સ એન્ડ બોયઝ રીઅરમોસ્ટ ન્યુ બાલ નામાવલી

મહત્વપૂર્ણ લીંક:

ગુજરાતી બેબી બોય અને બેબી ગર્લના નામો ડ્રિંક ગુજરાતી બેબી નામોનો સંગ્રહ (ગુજરાતી નામો નામાવલી). ગુજરાતી છોકરાઓ અને ગુજરાતી છોકરીના નામો કરતાં પણ આગળની અમારી સૌથી પાછળની યાદી તમને બાળકનું સંપૂર્ણ નામ પસંદ કરવામાં મદદ કરશે.
ગુજરાતી બેબી ગર્લ્સ એન્ડ બોયઝ રીઅરમોસ્ટ ન્યુ બાલ નામાવલી

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Author: 𝑹.𝑲.𝑮𝑶𝒀𝑨𝑳
Updated on March 07, 2023
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Medicine and Disease: Information About Drugs and Diseases -2022 | Learn About Medicines from દવા.com.

Medicine and Disease: Information About Drugs and Diseases -2022 | Learn About Medicines from દવા.com.
Medicine and Disease
Medicine and Disease

દવા અને રોગ: દવાઓ અને રોગો વિશે ની જાણકારી-2022 વિશે | દવાઓ વિશે જાણો દવા.com.પરથી.

Friends ... now you too become your doctor ... from now on you can search the name of any medicine in Gujarati and get all the information about that medicine in one click. Enter the name of the medicine in Gujarati and get complete information about that medicine. It is useful for medicine. Get all the information like its intake, its side effects etc. Information about all the drugs will be available from a single website. You can also know it from your mobile while sitting at home.

This information about drugs can be obtained 100% accurate. But taking the medicine without consulting a doctor can sometimes be harmful. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any medicine.

➣  Learn about medicine and diseases 2022 | Information about drugs and diseases -2022
  • Name of the post: - Learn about medicine and diseases.
  • Category: - Medicines
  • Portal: - દવા

What is the name of the drug, its use and other information about it?
It is very important for all of us to know about the use of any medicine or tablet. Because whenever we get sick or any member of our household gets sick. So we go to the doctor to take medicine. Or bring medicine from any medical and start taking. So that we can get rid of that disease as soon as possible. Doctors prescribe many medicines even for minor ailments. Which we have to eat in compulsion. And after taking those drugs, we get well again. But we never try to find out what disease the medicine we are taking is from. Or what is the use of that drug? Who can take that medicine? And in what situation? We don't think about it at all, because we have no choice but to take those drugs. Whenever doctors give us a lot of medicine. So this idea definitely comes to our mind. That is the medicine that doctors are giving us. We also don't know which of these drugs were useful. It has to be taken if prescribed by a doctor. So today we will know which medicine is useful.

⇛  Drugs and their use in diseases (દવાઓ અને તેનો રોગોમાં ઉપયોગ ) :
How to know the name of the drug, its use and other information about it?
Hello friends ... Today's post is going to be very important for you, because today we will get the information on how to know the use of any medicine by its name. Or which medicine is useful for which disease? How can this information be known? For this, please read this article to the end.

Medicine and Disease

Today when we use different types of medicines in our daily life as first aid at home, we do not know which medicine can be taken in which disease. What kind of medicine can be taken for which disease. All such information is available on this site, also in Gujarati. You can just type his name and get his complete information. You can also tell your friends about this and they too can get this information sitting at home.

We also do not know which drugs are used to treat which diseases. That is why in such a situation we feel very helpless. And often unnecessary medications have to be taken.
Apart from this it often happens that our family members or our neighbors / friends come to us with some medicine and ask us what is this medicine? Or what are these pills for? Then even though we are educated, we cannot say the correct use of that medicine, which makes us feel ashamed that even though we are so educated, we do not know anything.

This problem is not just of you or me but of everyone but of everyone who is not involved in the medical line.
So today in this article we are going to tell you a method by which you can get complete information about any medicine in just 2 minutes to overcome this problem.

How to know the uses, benefits and side effects of any medicine?
It is very easy to know the uses, benefits, side effects and reviews of any type of medicine, drug or tablet.

There are numerous websites and apps on the Internet that give us accurate and truthful information about almost all types of drugs.

So with the help of that website we can learn about the use of any medicine from the mobile sitting at home. Well, there are many such sites on the Internet. But here we are telling you about a great website, with the help of which you can know complete information about the name of any medicine.

So the name of that website is Tabletwise. By searching the name of any drug on this website we can get complete information about it. Most importantly, we can also translate the information available on this website into our local language.

Let me tell you that here is the link of this website. I would like to inform you that this is a very good and popular website on which we can get complete information about any medicine by its name.

How to know the use of drug by name from tabletwise website?


➣ For example...:
  • Overview
  • Composition and active ingredients
  • Use
  • Side effects
  • Precautions
  • Interactions
  • Contradictory effects
  • Quantitative information

➣ Please consult your doctor or pharmacist or physician or read the instructions on the product packet.
➣ This is the wisdom of medicine.

    Also read:  સોલાર રૂફટોપ યોજના અપનાવો અને વીજમાંથી મુક્તિ મેળવો.

➣ This information about drugs can be obtained 100% accurate. But taking the medicine without consulting a doctor can sometimes be harmful. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any medicine.
➣ દવાઓ વિશેની આ માહિતી 100% સચોટ મેળવી શકાય છે. પરંતુ ડૉક્ટરની સલાહ લીધા વિના દવા લેવી ક્યારેક નુકસાનકારક બની શકે છે. કોઈપણ દવા લેતા પહેલા ડૉક્ટરની સલાહ લેવી જરૂરી છે.

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Learn from the name of the drug all its information, uses and its details.

Learn about the name of the drug, its use and its information.
drug all its information

Learn all the information, uses and details of the drug from its name.
દવાના નામ પરથી જાણો તેની તમામ માહિતી, ઉપયોગ અને તેની વિગતો.

How to know the name of the drug, its use and other information about it?
Hello friends ... Today's post is going to be very important for you, because today we are going to tell you how to know the use of any medicine by its name? Or which medicine is useful for which disease ?, Which medicine is for which disease? How do you know this? For this, please read this article to the end.

It is very important for all of us to know about the use of any medicine or tablet. Because whenever we get sick or any member of our household gets sick. So we go to the doctor to take medicine. Or bring medicine from any medical and start taking it. So that we can get rid of that disease as soon as possible. Doctors prescribe many medicines for even the smallest ailment. Which we have to eat in compulsion. And after taking those drugs, we get healthy again. But we never try to find out what disease the medicine we are taking is from. Or what is the use of that drug? Who can take that medicine? And in what situation? We don't think about it at all, because we have no choice but to take those drugs. Whenever doctors give us a lot of medicine. So this idea definitely comes to our mind. That is the medicine that doctors are giving us. We don't even know which of these medicines was useful. If the doctor has given it, then we have to take it. So today we will know which medicine is useful.

We also do not know which drugs are used to treat which diseases. That is why in such a situation we feel very helpless. And often unnecessary medications have to be taken.
Apart from this it often happens that our family members or our neighbors / friends come to us with some medicine and ask us what is this medicine? Or what are these pills for? Then even though we are educated, we cannot say the correct use of that medicine, which makes us feel ashamed that even though we are so educated, we do not know anything.

This problem is not just of you or me but of everyone but of everyone who is not involved in the medical line.
So today in this article we are going to tell you a method by which you can get complete information about any medicine in just 2 minutes to overcome this problem.

How to know the uses, benefits and side effects of any medicine?
It is very easy to know the uses, benefits, side effects and reviews of any type of medicine, drug or tablet.

There are numerous websites and apps on the Internet that give us accurate and truthful information about almost all types of drugs.

So with the help of that website we can learn about the use of any medicine from the mobile sitting at home. Well, there are many such sites on the Internet. But here we are telling you about a great website, with the help of which you can know complete information about the name of any medicine.

So the name of that website is Tabletwise. By searching the name of any drug on this website we can get complete information about it. Most importantly, we can also translate the information available on this website into our local language.

Let me tell you that here is the link of this website. I would like to inform you that this is a very good and popular website on which we can get complete information about any medicine by its name.

How to know the use of drug by name from tabletwise website?

Important link:

So for this you first have to go to the site of by clicking here. Then his home page will open something like this.
By clicking on the search box here, you will have to search by typing the name of the drug you want to get information about.

drug all its information

Then a new page will open in ...

Here you will see the name of the drug you are looking for, its use, benefits, harms and other information. By reading this you can get complete information about that medicine and you can use that information as per your need.

But this information will be basically in English, so first translate it into your local language, then you will be able to read the information about that medicine in the language of your choice. Complete information about that drug will be seen in detail.
        Here is a video link to translate your web page (information received) into the language of your choice. It gives a complete understanding of how to translate a page. You will definitely watch that video once.

As well as ...
You will also be able to get information about medicines through this mobile application.

About's mobile application ... Drug Guide

The easiest way to find drug information, identify pills, check interactions, and set your own personal drug records. All mobile-optimized to speed up your browsing experience.

Key Features:
Fat Offline Pocket Doctor, Dictionary, Drug Index, Brand Name 2020, Pharmacy
How to know the details of medicine by entering the name of the medicine

Description : is a comprehensive information resource on drugs approved for use in India.

The app broadly covers 300000+ drug entries, including new FDA-approved small molecules and 61,000+ generic brands marketed and prescribed across India, including 700+ disease entries, skin disease photograph offline made dictionary, symptom evaluator.

About App:
The app is the most popular, comprehensive and up-to-date online source of drug information. Provides free, peer-reviewed, accurate and independent data on over 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and natural products. is a multiple Webb Award nominee and earns more than 25 million US dollars per month. Attracts visitors (comScore, June 2016).
drug all its information

Easy to use quick drug reference
  1. The Free Drug Database provides complete information about drugs and their price
  2. Helps in better treatment and decision making
  3. Complete information about the disease
  4. Dr. Prepared, designed, programmed by Bhadresh Patel (Single Doctor)
  5.  Based on the latest guidelines
Follow us on Twitter @drugsom for tips and updates.

    Also read:  સોલાર રૂફટોપ યોજના અપનાવો અને વીજમાંથી મુક્તિ મેળવો.

Application Features:
  1. You can find drug molecules for detailed information and complete information of price. The information provided is incorporated from standard references or PI modules.
  2. Enhanced with advanced search capability to find individual or combination brands available in Indian markets. The latest prices and company information are listed as well. You can find alternatives or brand substitutes using our unique tool.
  3. Updating We regularly update new guidelines and policies on a daily basis.
  4. The Drug Database has a "completely offline" option. You can choose to download the full lib

  તાપમાન જાણો: તમારા એરિયાનું તાપમાન જાણો તમારા મોબાઈલ થી જ ઓનલાઈન 
      તમારા એરિયામાં  કેટલી ગરમી પડે છે..તે જાણો તમારા મોબાઈલ થી જ અને એ પણ તે ઓનલાઈન ચેક કરો. 
દવાના નામ પરથી જાણો તેની તમામ માહિતી, ઉપયોગ અને તેની વિગતો.
      ડોકટરે આપેલી દવા કામની જ છે ને...? વધારાની દવા તો નથી ને ?
      દવાની તમામ જાણકારી મેળવો અહિયાંથી દવાનો ઉપયોગ,તેની આડઅસરો, તેની પ્રમાણ વગેરે 
  ☀️  સોલાર એનર્જી: સૂર્ય ઉર્જા રૂફટોપ યોજના અપનાવો અને વીજબિલની સાથોસાથ પર્યાવરણની પણ બચત કરો.
      ☀️ ચાલો સૌર ઉર્જા ઉત્પન્ન કરતી સિસ્ટમ વિશે જાણીએ.
      ☀️  સોલર રૂફ ટોપ યોજના દ્વાર તમારા ઘર પર સોલાર પેનલ લગાવો અને મળવો મફત લાઈટ 
   આરોગ્ય ટીપ્સ: કોઈપણ બીમારી માટે શ્રેષ્ઠ ઘરેલૂ ઉપચાર માટે "સ્વાસ્થ્ય સુધા" આર્યુવેદીક ગ્રંથ ડાઉનલોડ કરો.
   વાદળી(બ્લુ) પ્રકાશ શું છે? અને તે આપણી આંખોને કેવી રીતે અસર કરે છે? તેનાથી બચવાના ઉપાય.
      વાદળી(બ્લુ) લાઈટના નુકસાનથી આંખોને કઈ રીતે બચાવશો?
   જાણો ફળોના રાજા કેરી વિશે.
      ભારતમાં થતી કેરીની વિવિધ જાતો.
      આરોગ્યની દ્રષ્ટીએ કેરી અતિ ઉતમ ફળ 

Important link (મહત્વની લીંક):

Application support :
If you have any feature requests, suggestions or just need help, please visit and our responsive support team will prioritize your request.

Watch this video for more information ...

Important Notice (મહત્વપૂર્ણ સૂચના):
You should not rely on this application alone to remember to take your prescriptions or change medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your healthcare professional.
You will find accurate information about any medicine. But that doesn't mean you have to become a doctor yourself. You should consult a doctor before giving any medicine to anyone. Because different people with different symptoms can get the same disease. does not offer medical or treatment advice. Always consult a physician.
Information source:

    Also read:  ગુજરાતીમાં સંપૂર્ણ જાણકારી અહીંયાથી મેળવો..

So this way you can get information about the use of any drug from your mobile and get all the information about it.

Friends ... How do you know all the information about the use of any of these drugs? You must have liked our article about it. If you liked this information, be sure to share it with your friends.

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Download ll Download Tithi Toran Calendar_Panchang 2021.

Download Tithi Toran Calendar_ Panchang 2021.
Toran Calendar Download-2021

Date Toran Calendar_Panchang 2021
You will get all this information in New Year Gujarati Calendar 2021. Including Dates, Festivals, Public and Banking Holidays, Birthdays, Auspicious Fours, Nakshatra, Vinchundo, Panchak, Panchang etc ... and also in Attractive, Colorful HD Quality

Features of Tithi Toran Calendar_Change 2021.
  • Khujaj amazing calendar.
  • Like to look colorful.
  • With daily birth sign.
  • With public and banking holidays.
  • Good day,
  • Daily constellation
  • Accurate detailed information of Vinchundo and Panchang
  •  All pages in HD quality


 India is the world's largest democracy with cultural as well as religious diversity. India is the seventh largest country in the world by area and the second largest by population. India is located in South Asia.

India has a population of over one and a half billion and about four hundred different languages ​​are spoken.

India is the birthplace of the historic Indus Valley Civilization. Four of the world's major religions, Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism and Buddhism, have also emerged in India.
The original ancient religion of India is known as Sanatan Dharma. In addition, Parsis, Islam, Christianity, and Judaism came to India around the first century AD. All these religions influenced and enriched the culture of India.

India is a huge republic consisting of 6 states and 6 union territories. India is a vast society with diversity of religions, castes, languages ​​and cultures. 'Unity in diversity' and diversity is India's hallmark.

People of all religions also celebrate their New Year. On New Year’s Day people visit temples dressed in new clothes and meet friends and their families. And people wish each other a Happy New Year. As well as exchanging New Year’s greetings with words like Sal Mubarak or New Year’s greetings.

       The New Year is considered to be a very auspicious day in Gujarat all over India. On this day people close their old account book and open new books. These account books, called books, are worshiped and marked with some auspicious symbols, followed by prayers for a profitable financial year.

    Gujarati calendar 2021 marks the arrival of the new year in Gujarat. Gujarati New Year is celebrated all over India with great joy, happiness and enthusiasm. This festival of lights marks the beginning of a Happy New Year. Therefore, this new year marks the beginning of their new financial year. In some parts of India, New Year celebrations begin around spring.


Also Read: આજની ટેકનોલોજીની કમાલ

From the new year, the calendar of the new religion begins. The Gujarati calendar of the famous Tithitoran in Gujarati is very popular here. Which is put here. Can be downloaded from here. Gujarati calendar to download and save.
Download TithiToran Calendar.

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