6 to 8 schools started from today
For the first time since the Corona epidemic, primary schools have started today.
What should teachers, parents and students be vigilant about as per the guidelines of the government ?. Every parent, teacher as well as student should read the SOP given here in Gujarati.
The latest circular of the government regarding the commencement of Std. 6 to 8 classes is also given here.
The parent will have to give a consent form to send their child to school. He will then be able to put the child in school.
A sample of the parent consent form is also available here. You can download it from the link given below.
The whole world was worried about the terrible global epidemic of Covid-19 (Corona). Then how to stop the spread of infectious corona. For that many countries of the world including India implemented a total lockdown to stop the corona.
On March 24, 2020, the Government of India, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, ordered a 21-day nationwide lockdown to limit the movement of India's entire 1.3 billion population as a precautionary measure against the Kovid-19 epidemic.
The order was issued after a 14-hour voluntary public curfew on March 22, after which a series of rules were enforced in the COVID-19 affected regions of the country. The lockdown was carried out when the number of confirmed positive coronavirus cases in India was around 500. Observers said
The lockdown could reduce the rate of epidemic growth to double every 6 days by April. As the first lockdown period came to an end, state governments and other advisory committees recommended extending the lockdown. The governments of Odisha and Punjab extended the state lockdown till May 1. In pursuit of Maharashtra, Karnataka, West Bengal and Telangana. On April 14, Prime Minister Narendra Modi extended the nationwide lockdown till May 3, in which conditions were relaxed after April 20. Due to the lockdown, further spread of corona there was halted or negligible.
On May 1, the Government of India extended the nationwide lockdown for two weeks until May 17. The government divided all the districts into three zones based on the spread of viruses like green, red and orange. According to which concessions have been applied. On May 17, the lockdown was extended to May 31 by the National Disaster Management Authority. It was later announced that the lockdown restrictions would be lifted, while the current lockdown would be extended to June 30 for content zones only. Services will be launched in phases from June 8. This is known as "Unlock 1.0". Modi later clarified that the lockdown phase in the country was over and it had begun to 'unlock'. The second phase of Unlock 2.0 was announced for the period from 1 to 31 July with more ease in the restrictions of Unlock 2.0. Unlock August was announced for August. Similarly, August September was announced for September and Unlock 5.0 for the month of October. Similarly, Unlock 6.0 was announced for the month of November, Unlock 7.0 was announced for the month of December, Unlock 8.0 was announced for the month of January, and Unlock 9.0 was announced for the month of February.
The Government of India and our healthcare system have started the work of vaccinating against corona on a war footing. But until everyone is given a dose of Corona Nexin, we will all follow the guidelines of the government.
➤ The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines for the prevention of corona virus.
- According to him, hands should be washed with soap.
- Alcohol based hand rub can also be used.
- Cover nose and mouth with a handkerchief or tissue paper when coughing and sneezing
- Stay away from people with cold and cough symptoms.
- Avoid consumption of eggs and meat.
- Avoid exposure to wild animals.
➤ Who and how to wear a mask?
- Masks should be worn even if you are healthy.
- People who have fever, cough or shortness of breath should go to the doctor wearing a mask.
- People who have a fever, cough or shortness of breath should wear a mask and go to the doctor immediately.
➤ How to wear a mask: -
- The mask should not be touched from the front
- If you get your hands dirty, you should wash your hands immediately.
- The mask should be worn in such a way that your nose, mouth and beard are covered. .
- When removing the mask, the mask should be removed by holding the rubber or the string of the mask. The mask should not be touched.
- The mask should be changed daily.
➤ How to reduce the risk of corona, read remedy
- Corona-like viruses are spread by coughing and sneezing drops.
- Wash your hands thoroughly
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth if hands are not clean.
➤ How to prevent the spread of corona infection?
- Do not travel by public vehicles such as bus, train, auto or taxi.
- Do not invite guests home.
- Order household items from others and take them inside the house only after sanitizing them.
- Do not go to office, school or public places.
- If you're living with more people, be more careful.
- Stay in a separate room and constantly clean the kitchen and bathroom used by more people.
- Keep doing this for 14 days to reduce the risk of infection.
- If you come from an infected area or are in contact with an infected person, you may be advised to stay alone. So stay home.
Download what is placed here in PDF, Excel as well as Word file and you have to give it to your school.
➤ Vali Sahamati Patrak (વાલી સહમતી પત્રક)
All students, let's go to school.
Schools are open after a very long 11 months so let's go to a certain school.
Best wishes to the all students...
Definitely give your talents to this.
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