Local Gram Swaraj_Gram Panchayat structure as well as elections
સ્થાનિક ગ્રામ સ્વરાજ_ગ્રામ પંચાયત માળખું તેમજ ચુંટણી
Gram Panchayat elections are held every five years, with some seats reserved for Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and women. Panchayati Raj has three tier structure:
(1) Gram Panchayat,
(2) Taluka Panchayat, and
(2) District Panchayat.
❏ Gram Panchayat (ગ્રામ પંચાયત) :
Population under Gram Panchayat: 3000 to 5,000 and women: 50%, OBC. 10% SC / ST is reserved on the basis of population (as decided by the Collector).
Gram Panchayat is a village level administrative body, which is the village level of Panchayati Raj system of India. Meetings of Talati-cum-Minister, Gram Sevak, Sarpanch and other members of Gram Panchayat are held here. Works related to rural development are done from here.
❏ Panchayat body (structure) (માળખું):
The sarpanch is the head of the gram panchayat. From the Gram Panchayat elections, Sarpanch, Sub-Sarpanch and members are elected for the Gram Panchayat for five years. The Sarpanch and the members> will elect the Deputy Sarpanch from among the members. The term of Gram Panchayat is five years. General elections will be held every five years. If there is a vacancy for Sarpanch, Sub-Sarpanch, member, it will be filled by by-election. The gram panchayat also has a government employee - talati-cum-minister, who has to do the work of keeping accounts of the gram panchayat, collecting taxes, giving examples etc.
In addition to the formation of the Social Justice Committee in the first meeting immediately after the formation of the Panchayat, the following various committees are formed.
- Executive Committee
- Social Justice Committee
- Water Committee
- Appeals Committee
- Educational Committee
- Sanitation Committee
- Gokulgam Samiti
- Construction Committee
- Health Committee
The following three committees are to be formed in the above.
❏ Social Justice Committee (સામાજીક ન્યાય સમિતિ):
This committee is mandatory.
The maximum number of members of this committee is 5 (five). In which one member is Valmiki.
The term of this committee is the same as that of the Panchayat.
The chairman of this committee is elected by the members.
❏ Water Committee (પાણી સમિતિ):
The chairman of this committee is Sarpanch.
The term of this committee is the same as that of the Panchayat.
The responsibility of the committee should be to provide clean water to the people of the village.
❏ Executive Committee (કારોબારી સમિતિ):
It is not mandatory to form this committee in the Gram Panchayat. Number of members of this committee: - 5 (five) It has one SC, SC or female member.
The term of the Executive Committee is for 3 years.
A committee is chaired by a Sarpanch / Deputy Sarpanch.
❏ Functions of Gram Panchayat (ગ્રામ પંચાયતના કાર્યો):
The Gram Panchayat has full responsibility for resolving issues at the village level, administrative structure and development at the village level. Apart from this the benefits of various schemes are provided at the village level through the Gram Panchayat. Such as ....
- Gokul Gram Yojana
- Indira Awas Yojana
- Complete rural self-employment scheme
- Special employment plan
- Rural sanitation scheme
- Golden Jubilee Village Self-Employment Scheme
Gram Sabhas are held in the Gram Panchayat for a certain period of time (every six months) in which the issues pertaining to the village are discussed for immediate implementation.
💥 ગ્રામ પંચાયત ચૂંટણી 2021-22 ઓફિશિયલ પરિપત્ર જાહેર
❏ Gram Sabha (ગ્રામસભા):
Gram Sabha means a meeting held by informing the people of the village in advance is called Gram Sabha. In which any adult of the village can participate in the gram sabha. And he is considered a member of that gram sabha and he has the right to be present, to vote and to propose.
The chairman of the gram sabha is the sarpanch.
There is a mandatory provision to call Gram Sabha 4 (four) times in a year by the Sarpanch. 1st May, 15th August, 3rd January, 3rd October, accordingly changes are made keeping in view the local situation. .
➜ Also Read:
The Finance Commission has been constituted to review the financial situation as per Section 5 (2) of the Panchayat Act. According to this provision, 5% grant from Central Government and 5% grant from State Government is given to the Panchayat for development works.
The budget of the gram panchayat has to be prepared by the sarpanch by the month of November. And the instruction to send it to the taluka panchayat by December 15 has to be given to the panchayat minister and after returning, the expenditure has to be made only after the approval of the gram sabha in the gram panchayat till March 31.
❏ Main Responsibilities of Sarpanch Shri (સરપંચશ્રીની મુખ્ય જવાબદારીઓ):
The sarpanch is directly elected by the gram sabha. The post of Sarpanch is of special importance as only the Sarpanch is directly elected among the village, taluka and district panchayat chairpersons. The sarpanch is the first citizen of the village. It is a link between Gram Panchayat and Taluka / District Panchayat. He is to administer the panchayat and develop the village in collaboration with the members of the gram panchayat.
- The sarpanch is the executive head of the gram panchayat.
- Correspondence, checks, orders, approvals are signed by him.
- The Sarpanch presides over the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat meetings and organizes and manages them.
- The sarpanch takes the decision-making process forward by the management.
- When the two sides have the same number of votes, they can give an additional decisive vote to the Sarpanch. But ... they cannot cast a decisive vote in a no-confidence meeting and in a subcommittee election.
- The sarpanch prepares the budget for the year in which the development is planned in the village.
- Sarpanch accepts resignation of Gram Panchayat member.
- The sarpanch supervises the employees of the panchayat and takes action from them.
- They administer the panchayat fund and it is the responsibility of the sarpanch to keep it safe.
- It is the responsibility of the sarpanch to prepare all the forms and reports.
- The Sarpanch properly maintains the properties of the Panchayat.
- The sarpanch is responsible for preparing the assessment list of the house tax and for the regular collection of the tax.
- Sarpanch Talati sends a private report on the performance of the Minister and other field staff to the Taluka Development Officer.
❏ Functions and Duties of Sub-Panch (ઉપસરપંચના કાર્યો અને ફરજો):
In the absence of the sarpanch, the sub-sarpanch has to operate keeping in view certain rules.
- (1) To handle all the functions, duties and powers of the sarpanch in the absence of the sarpanch as per section-2 (1), except as otherwise prescribed by the rules.
- (2) As per section-3 (2) (b)
- (1) To take the place of the chairperson of the Panchayat meetings in the absence of the Sarpanch and to regulate it.
- (2) To use the powers of the Sarpanch as assigned by the Sarpanch from time to time and to perform such duties.
- (2) To exercise the powers and perform the duties of the sarpanch till the election of the sarpanch takes place or for a period of more than fifteen days when the sarpanch is continuously absent from the village or the sarpanch has become incapacitated.
❏ Main Responsibilities of Gram Panchayat Members (ગ્રામ પંચાયતના સભ્યોની મુખ્ય જવાબદારીઓ):
- The villagers of the ward elect one member from each ward.
- A panchayat has at least seven members. Members are not there to protect the interests of any one class.
- They have to look after the interest of the whole village.
- Despite being the head of the gram panchayat, the sarpanch cannot take decisions alone. The decision is taken with the consent of the members.
- Every decision to carry out development works in the area of Gram Panchayat is taken by majority of the members. That is why the members are called the foundation of the panchayat. The more aware he is, the more developmental the panchayat will be.
- In the first meeting of the panchayat, the members elect the sub-panch.
- Members control the functioning of the gram panchayat by compulsorily attending the gram panchayat meetings. They present developmental issues in the meeting and make decisions by majority.
- The members approve the monthly income and expenditure accounts and the annual report of the administration of the gram panchayat.
- Members can bring no-confidence motion against the sarpanch and sub-sarpanch.
સંપૂર્ણ ગુજરાતીમાં જાણકારી અહીંયાથી વાંચો./જાણો.
❏ As well as .... special (તેમજ.... ખાસ):
(1). Pursuant to Section 4 (2), in the absence of both the Sarpanch and the Sub-Sarpanch, the members who choose the seat from among the members present may take the place of the chairperson of the Panchayat meeting and regulate that seat.
(2). If any member is absent from the village for more than 3 (three) months continuously during the term of office as per clause (3) without getting leave of the Panchayat (the Panchayat may grant such leave for a maximum of 4 (four) months). If he is absent for four months, he will be automatically terminated from the membership. And the information of such vacancy will be given by the Panchayat to the competent officer. For this, it is necessary to take action as per Rule-3 of Gujarat Panchayat Rules-13. When a member ceases to be a member under section 4, if the Panchayat wishes to make a written statement of the date, time and place of the meeting in which the vacancy is to be decided, to send it before the meeting and to decide the vacancy of that member. Consider such a statement before taking. After considering the relevant record regarding the representation and absence of that member, the Panchayat should decide on the vacancy in its meeting and inform that member in writing and get access and keep it on the record.
➜ Important Website Links:
For more information and to download the required form, visit the website of this Gujarat State Election Commission.
❏ What is the procedure for passing a motion of no confidence (અવિશ્વાસની દરખાસ્ત પસાર કરવાની પ્રક્રિયા શું છે) ?
- As per this provision in section 4 of Gujarat Panchayat Act-13, no-confidence motion can be brought against the sarpanch or sub-sarpanch.
- If both are to be removed from office, different proposals have to be submitted for both.
- The no-confidence motion should have been supported by half the members of the panchayat.
- The sarpanch or sub-sarpanch can be removed from office only if the proposal passes by a two-thirds majority.
- A no-confidence motion can be filed by any panchayat member. Talati has to be given in four copies of the proposal as per the prescribed format.
- Each copy of the no-confidence motion must have the signatures of the members supporting it.
- A panchayat meeting must be held within 15 days after receiving the notice of no-confidence motion.
- If the sarpanch does not call a meeting within 15 days, Talati has to inform the taluka development officer. Then he calls a panchayat meeting in 15 days.
❏ Main Responsibilities of Talati cum Minister of Gram Panchayat (ગ્રામ પંચાયતના તલાટી કમ મંત્રીની મુખ્ય જવાબદારીઓ):
- Talati cum Mantri provides necessary assistance, cooperation and information to the Gram Panchayat to discharge its responsibilities effectively.
- As per the terms of employment, Talati cum Minister works under the control of Taluka Development Officer.
- They follow the instructions of the sarpanch for all the transactions of the gram panchayat.
- Talati cum Minister can provide guidance to make decisions legal. It also processes the decisions of the Panchayat.
- Talati Krum Mantri is the Minister of Gram Panchayat and its Mandatory Committees (Social Justice Committee, Water Committee).
- It is the responsibility of the Minister to ensure that regular meetings of the Social Justice Committee are convened.
- After discussing with the sarpanch, the Talati order minister prepares the agenda for the gram panchayat meeting.
- It is the responsibility of the notice board to publish the notice of important decisions taken in the gram sabha. He notes the proceedings and resolutions of the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat meetings.
- Talati cum Minister executes the decisions of the Gram Panchayat. They prepare all the forms and reports.
➜ Also Read:
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#Gram Swaraj_Gram Panchayat
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