e-Shram Card: Did you not get e-SHRAM Card? So get it, you will get many benefits.

ઇ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ: તમે ઇ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ નથીમેળવ્યું? તો મળવી લો ઘણા લાભ મળશે.
E-Labor Portal Gujarat | What is e Shramcard? | Benefits of e Shramcard and who can apply? | e-Shram Card Registration Process | Log in and register link eshram.gov.in | E-Labor Card Registration 2021 Online
ઇ-શ્રમ પોર્ટલ ગુજરાત | ઈ શ્રમકાર્ડ શું છે? | ઈ શ્રમકાર્ડ ના ફાયદા અને કોણ અરજી કરી શકે છે? | e-Shram Card Registration Process | લોગ ઇન કરો અને નોંધણી કરો લિંક eshram.gov.in | ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ રજીસ્ટ્રેશન 2021 ઓનલાઈન
The Ministry of Labor and Employment of India has launched a new portal called e-Labor Portal for the welfare of workers. Candidates who register for e-labor will get a unique identification number 12-digit unique (Universal Account Number UAN) number, (UAN) card. So that all the workers can benefit together. As you know that every person in India has a different Aadhaar card number as an identity card. Similarly, the e-labor card will also identify you as an Indian laborer.
⇛ Purpose of e-Shram Card (ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ નો હેતુ) :
The Government of India collects information about unorganized sector workers by compiling a database of all workers including construction workers, migrant workers, street vendors, domestic workers, agricultural workers and others. Some such people cannot take advantage of any scheme. So every such person can directly benefit from these government schemes and the government will also take various measures.
⇛ What is e-Shram Card and what are the benefits of e-Shram Registration?
The Indian government has set a target of adding another 30 crore workers. By collecting information of unorganized sector workers by the Government of India and gathering the database of all workers in one place, the workers included under this portal such as construction workers, migrant workers, platform artists, street vendors, domestic workers, agricultural workers and other organized workers. Such people who are not able to avail the benefits of any scheme. 30 crore such unorganized workers have been created for the welfare of brothers and sisters. Who play a big role in the economy of the country and envision their secure future because it is not possible to know. Under this scheme, e-labor card will be issued by the government after e-labor card registration. Any labor will be able to avail the benefits of the schemes directly and the government will also take various measures, they will have a database of workers.
⇛ Important Benefits of e-Shram Card (ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) :
There are many benefits of UAN Card, but we have one of them. As we all understand by example, as you have all seen, due to the Corona virus epidemic, the unemployment situation in the country has become such that people have started starving. In such a situation, Korona Financial Assistance Scheme was started by the Central Government to provide financial assistance.
Unemployed and out-of-state workers were asked to register, many of whom registered and received coronavirus assistance. But there were many laborers who could not get this information for some reason or if they could not register themselves in the Corona virus assistance, then they could not get the benefit of the Corona virus assistance.
If such a situation ever arises in the future, your registered data with the Central Government, which you have given to the Central Government by registering the e-labor scheme. Using it, the Central Government or the State Government will be able to send money directly to you and you will not need to make any registration in time of need.
⇛ Also read 👇.👉 ડેરી ફાર્મ સહાય યોજના હેઠળ 5 લાખ રૂ. સુધી સહાય.👉 PM કિસાન સન્માન નિધી યાદી-2022 અહિયાંથી જુઓ.👉 મોબાઈલ દ્વારા જમીનની માપણી જાતેજ કેવી રીતે કરવી...જાણો. 👉 PM Kisan યોજના e-KYC કરો મોબાઈલથી જ...સંપૂર્ણ જાણકારી.👉 ગામ, શહેર તથા જમીન ના HD નકશાઓ ડાઉનલોડ કરો.
⇛ Who cannot make E-Shram Card(કોણ ઈ શ્રમ કાર્ડ બનાવી શકતા નથી) ?
- There are several eligibility criteria for e-labor card. Which are as follows.
- Any sector engaged in organized sector cannot register for e-Labour Card.
- Organized sector includes private or public sector workers who receive regular wages, long wages and other benefits.
- Some of them also have the facility of ESIC and EPFO, and leave and social security in the form of gratuity are considered organized sector who cannot generate their E-Shram Card.
⇛ Eligibility Of e-Shram card ? । ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ(e-Shram Card) કોણ કઢાવી શકશે?
Any worker/laborer who is a citizen of India fulfilling the following criteria can apply for an e-Labour Card.
- Age should be between 16-59 years. ✔️
- Must not be a member of EPFO or ESIC. ✔️
- Should not be an income tax payer. ✔️
- Must be working in the unorganized sector. ✔️
⇛ Who can apply online for e-Shram Card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ)?
Those who work as laborers and laborers in the unorganized sector are eligible to apply for the e-labor portal. Check the details of the sector / category from the section below.
Small and marginal farmers(નાના અને સીમાંત ખેડૂતો)
- Farm laborers(ખેત મજૂરો)
- Vegetable and fruit sellers(શાકભાજી અને ફળ વિક્રેતાઓ)
- Migrant workers(સ્થળાંતર કામદારો)
- Sharecroppers brick kiln workers9(શેરક્રોપર્સ ઈંટ ભઠ્ઠાના કામદારો)
- Fisherman hundred-mill workers(માછીમાર સો-મિલના કામદારો)
- Animal Husbandry Workers(પશુપાલન કામદારો)
- Beadle rolling(બીડલ રોલિંગ)
- Labeling and packing(લેબલીંગ અને પેકિંગ)
- Street vendors(સ્ટ્રીટ વેન્ડર્સ)
- Carpenter silk farming workers(સુથાર રેશમ ખેતી કામદારો)
- Salt workers(મીઠું કામદારો)
- Tannery workers(ટેનરી કામદારો)
- Building and construction workers(મકાન અને બાંધકામ કામદારો)
- Leatherworkers(લેધરવર્કર્સ)
- Midwives(દાયણો)
- Domestic workers(ઘરેલું કામદારો)
- Barber(વાળંદ)
- Newspaper sellers(અખબાર વિક્રેતાઓ
- રિક્ષાચાલકો)
- Rickshaw pullers(ઓટો ડ્રાઈવરો)
- Silk farming workers(રેશમ ખેતી કામદારો)
- House maids(હાઉસ મેઇડ્સ)
- Street vendors(સ્ટ્રીટ વેન્ડર્સ)
- Hope Worker(આશા વર્કર)
⇛ Important Links📎:
⇛ E-Shram Card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) Registration Required Documents | What documents are required? 📎
There are about 300 million unorganized workers in India. Those who want to register themselves to get e-Shram Card (ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) have to register online at eshram.gov.in.registration. They need some documents. The following details/documents are required to register for e-Shram Card (ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ)
- full name
- Business
- Permanent address
- Details of educational qualification
- Details of skills and experience
- Details of family members
- Base number
- Must be a valid mobile number linked to Aadhaar card.
- Any bank account number
- IFSC code of the bank
- aadhar card
⇛ Fees/Charges for e-Shram Card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) | Fees for e-labor registration:
No fee is required for e-registration for e-Shram Card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ). 0/- for registration of e-Shram Card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) for all Indians.
⇛ Benefits of e-Shram Card(ઇ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ):
Complete information about all the benefits available to you for this portal is given in our article, please read it carefully:-
- If you die due to accidental death, you will be given Rs 2 lakh.
- In case of partial disability, Rs. 1 lakh will be given.
- By registering on the E Sharam portal, you will get the benefits of the social security scheme. ણી After registration you will be given a premium wave for one year.
- It also allows you to track the workforce of overseas workers.
- You will also be provided insurance cover through this portal.
- If you log in, the chances of getting a job will increase. This will also give you financial help.
⇛ e-Shram Card (ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) Apply Process :
You can get your e-Shram Card (ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) both online and offline, we will know in detail about the online process, for offline processing you can go to any common service center near you.
⇛ How to log in to e Shram portal(ઇ શ્રમ પોર્ટલ) online?
- To log into this e Shramik portal, you have to go to the official website first. The link of which is – register.eshram.gov.in.
- After that on the home page you have to select the option of 'Self Registration'.
- After selecting next page will open.
- In it, you have to enter your mobile number which is linked with Aadhaar card.
- After that, you have to fill the captcha code.
- After filing, you have to select YES/NO option for EPFO and ESIC.
- Then you have to click on 'Send OTP'.
- Now you will get an OTP. Enter the OTP in the asked section.
- Now you will be asked to enter your Aadhaar card number and accept the terms and conditions and click on submit button.
- Application form will open in front of you, you have to fill it.
- Then all the documents have to be uploaded after filling them.
- After doing that click submit and take hard copy of application form for future reference.
- After this, your registration will be completed on E Shramik Portal.
📲 ઇ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ યોજના માહિતી ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો અહીંથી
⇛ E Shram Registration Online Link (State Wise) Link Available.
⇛ ઇ શ્રમ નોંધણી ઓનલાઈન લિંક (રાજ્ય મુજબની) લિંક ઉપલબ્ધ છે.
States name Registration Link
- Arunachal Pradesh(અરુણાચલ પ્રદેશ) ⇨ Check Here
- Assam(આસામ) ⇨ Check Here
- Andhra Pradesh (આંધ્ર પ્રદેશ) ⇨ Check Here
- Bihar (બિહાર) ⇨ Check Here
- Chandigarh (ચંદીગઢ) ⇨ Check Here
- Chattisgarh (છત્તીસગઢ) ⇨ Check Here
- Delhi (દિલ્હી) ⇨ Check Here
- Goa (ગોવા) ⇨ Check Here
- Gujarat (ગુજરાત) ⇨ Check Here
- Haryana (હરિયાણા) ⇨ Check Here
- Himachal Pradesh (હિમાચલ પ્રદેશ) ⇨ Check Here
- Jharkhand (ઝારખંડ) ⇨ Check Here
- Jammu & Kashmir (જમ્મુ અને કાશ્મીર) ⇨ Check Here
- Karnataka (કર્ણાટક) ⇨ Check Here
- Kerala (કેરળ) ⇨ Check Here
- Madhya Pradesh (મધ્યપ્રદેશ) ⇨ Check Here
- Maharashtra (મહારાષ્ટ્ર) ⇨ Check Here
- Manipur (મણિપુર) ⇨ Check Here
- Mizoram (મિઝોરમ) ⇨ Check Here
- Nagaland (નાગાલેન્ડ) ⇨ Check Here
- Odisha (ઓડિશા) ⇨ Check Here
- Punjab (પંજાબ) ⇨ Check Here
- Rajasthan (રાજસ્થાન) ⇨ Check Here
- Sikkim (સિક્કિમ) ⇨ Check Here
- Telangana (તેલંગાણા) ⇨ Check Here
- Tamil Nadu (તમિલનાડુ) ⇨ Check Here
- Uttarakhand (ઉત્તરાખંડ) ⇨ Check Here
- Uttar Pradesh (ઉત્તર પ્રદેશ) ⇨ Check Here
- West Bengal (પશ્ચિમ બંગાળ) ⇨ Check Here
⇛ Important links of E Shram Card Registration (ઇ શ્રમ કાર્ડ રજીસ્ટ્રેશનની મહત્વની લિંક્સ) :
⇛ Some questions regarding e-labor card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડને લગતી કેટલીક પ્રશ્નોતરી) :
1. Who can get E-Shram Card(ઈ-શ્રમ કાર્ડ) ?
Workers in the unorganized sector of the country will be able to withdraw this card. Only workers who are not a member of EPFO / ESIC can get this card.
2. Who issued the e-Labor Card?
E-Shram Card is developed by the Department of Labor and Employment, Government of India.
3. Is there any income limit for e-Shram Card?
There is no mention of income limit for e-labor card, but as an unorganized sector worker one can register for e-labor card. But the beneficiary worker should not be paying any income tax.
4. What is the age limit for E Shram Card?
Workers in the unorganized sector of the country must be 16-59 years old to get this card.
⇛ From where can workers update new information in their e-labor card?
Workers can contact the nearest CSC center to update the required information in their card. And can also contact CSC center to issue a new employee card.
We hope you have found the complete information about e-Shram Card through this article. If still, you have any query about it then you can ask us through message in comment section. And we will definitely answer your question soon.
We hope that through this article you have got complete information about e-Shram Card and liked it. If still you have any query about it then you can ask us through message in comment section. And we will definitely answer your question soon. We will continue to bring you such interesting and useful information. Thank you very much for reading this article...
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Important Notice :
Author: 𝑹.𝑲.𝑮𝑶𝒀𝑨𝑳
Updated on August 24, 2022
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